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evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind)

PDF file of ART IN THE MIND publication abstracted by the performance of various OCR software.
dedicated to the public domain by .-_-. & iz, 2013


right click to download the small PDF file for screen
file type: PDF-1.3, 243 pages, 8.12 × 11.00 inch
file size: size: 1.5MB
file url:

right click to download the bigger PDF file for print
file type: PDF-1.4, 243 pages, 8.12 × 11.00 inch
file size: 10.9MB
file url:

right click to download the tar archive file including each page as a single PDF file
file type: .tar.gz, Tar archive (gzip-compressed)
file size:146.3MB
file content: 243 pdf files
file url:

right click to download the .odt file for the back cover page
file type: .odt, OpenDocument Text
size file : 25.3KB
font used: OCR-A 0.2
file url:


evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) is created on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64-bit).

The scan of the second edition of the book ART IN THE MIND, which was published by allen memorial art museum, oberlin college in 1971, was OCRed with OCRFeeder 0.7.9 using the OCR engines cuneiform 1.1.0+dfsg-2, gocr 0.49-1, tesseract-ocr 3.02.01-2 and ocrad 0.21-3 and exported to PDF (from scratch) and to .odt files, which are then exported to PDF with LibreOffice

OCRFeeder 0.7.9 was used with various auto and manual settings for recognition and export to achieve abstracted OCR results in PDFs on purpose, instead of using the settings for proper OCRs. A total of 8 OCRed PDF versions of the book were created. These source versions cannot be made available here according to conventional intellectual property laws since the book ART IN THE MIND is copyrighted and some pages in these versions are properly OCRed.

An “abstracted” version for each page was chosen, all pages were rotated to portrait and merged to a single pdf file using PdfShuffler 0.6.0.

The back cover page was created with LibreOffice using the font OCR-A 0.2.

Metadata information was added with pdftk 1.44-4build1

Print and screen versions created with Moonshiner v1.0


The original publication “ART IN THE MIND” was published by allen memorial art museum, oberlin college in 1970 (first edition) and in 1971 (second edition). All works appropriated from the publication are the copyright of the corresponding artists except for the work  “Obstructed” by Lawrence Weiner, which is labelled as Public Freehold, 1970.
OCRFeeder 0.7.9 by Joaquim Rocha (GNU GPLv3)
cuneiform 1.1.0+dfsg-2 by Jussi Pakkanen (BSD)
gocr 0.49-1 by Jörg Schulenburg and Bruno Barberi Gnecco (GNU GPL)
tesseract-ocr 3.02.01-2 by Google (Apache License 2.0)
ocrad 0.21-3 by Antonio Diaz Diaz(GNU GPLv3)
LibreOffice by The Document Foundation, Debian and Ubuntu (GNU LGPLv3)
PdfShuffler 0.6.0 by Konstantinos Poulios (GNU GPLv3)
OCR-A 0.2 by Matthew Skala (Public Domain)
pdftk 1.44-4build1 Sid Steward (GNU GPL v2)
Moonshiner v1.0 Benjamin Dumke (GNU GPLv3)

evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) is dedicated to the public domain by .-_-. & iz, 2013


this page was created on 27.04.2013 and last updated on 07.05.2013